We’re still in the middle of counting the Omer, so please be sure to refer to the Pesach & Chag HaMatzot 2019 Holiday Guidebook for the Omer Counter, prayers and other useful holiday tips.
Remember, we count 7 weeks of 7 days totaling 49 days leading up to Shavuot (day 50). It is important to note that an Omer is a measure of weight equal to one tenth ephah, which, according to Wikipedia, is approximately 43.2 eggs. This means by the time we’re done; we would have offered about 2116.8 eggs. How ever you count it, that’s a lot of eggs!
You might ask, what’s the point of counting all these days. I think they are related to two things.
(1) When we count, there’s anticipation, expectation and synchronicity. Without an end, counting to infinity is a bit meaningless. However, when we count 7 weeks of 7 days, we can see the end, even if we don’t know exactly what it all means. For instance, we’re told to count 6 working days and then rest (cease from working) on Shabbat. This makes it easy for us to apply changes in our lives as needed.
(2) This is related to the first fruits (Bikkurim) of the harvest. And since we’re counting the days leading to Shavuot and the giving of Torah, it’s important to note that we, the Jewish people is first harvest for the world to come. In Sh’mot 19, we’re told right before we receive Torah, “‘Now then, if you will indeed obey My voice and keep My covenant, then you shall be My own possession among all the peoples, for all the earth is Mine; and you shall be to Me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.’ These are the words that you shall speak to the sons of Israel.” [emphasis mine] We’ve been given Torah so we can show others the way of HaShem.
Isn’t that exciting? —a privilege and honor? The question we’re to ask ourselves is, how am I representing this kingdom and holy nation?